Well in Southern Cali it doesn't rain too often. We were on day 3 of heavy rains and stuck indoors going crazy and you can only do so many bt's B ) So what else to do other then grab the rain gear and go on a little hike in the rain and we did. Into the rain we began out short adventure. Luckily there were no flash floods but we were prepared for that and knew the mountain pretty well and you better no the mountain really well during a rain. Momma "N"(Mother Nature) sure is an awesome place, and a totally different atmosphere while covered in the cool rain, but she can easily swallow you whole. We were looking good as the rain was mellow for the storm. We were about an hour up the mountain and climbed around 900 ft. per the gps unit. There were a few cliffs from land slides and rock slides but that was the fun of it, trekking through the thristy as hell mountains during a good rain. The rain soon became heavy once we reached the top(thank god). So we decided to sprint down to the bottom on our return route. Success and safety was reached! Oh yeah, and we found this cool little salamander crossing the trail evacuating the growing river of water at the bottom of the mountain. Stay tuned for snow adventures

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